Brookland Lakeview
First Name
Last Name
What is your employment status? Part TimeUnemployedDisabledRetiredOther
What age group do you belong? 18-2021-2930-3940-4950-5960-6970+
What is your gender? MaleFemaleOtherPrefer not to answer
What is your race? American Indian or Alaska NativeAsianBlack or African AmericanHispanic or LatinoNative Hawaiian or other Pacific IslanderNot Hispanic or LatinoTwo or moreWhiteOther
Do you currently have a serious or chronic illness? YesNo
Health/Risk factors AlcoholismAllergiesAlzheimer’s diseaseAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)ArthritisAvoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)CancerDepressionDiabetesHeadachesHeart DiseaseHigh/Low Blood PressureHIV/AIDSMultiple SclerosisParkinson's diseaseSeizuresStrokeWeight problemsOther
Have you used any of these food sources in the past 12 months? (Check all that apply) Backpack ProgramChurch Donation CenterCollege PantryFarmer's MarketFood Pantry/BanksFood ShareMobile pantrySchool ProgramSenior Food ServicesSNAP ServicesSoup kitchenSummer Feeding ProgramOther
I don't have enough money to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Often trueSometime trueNever truePrefer not to answer
I eat less than I should because I don't have enough money. Often trueSometime trueNever truePrefer not to answer
I feel hungry but I did not eat because I don't have money for food. Often trueSometime trueNever truePrefer not to answer
I sometimes run out of food. AgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagree
I often feel too sick/tired or both to cook a meal. AgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagree
I do not have reliable/or transportation to go grocery shopping. AgreeSomewhat agreeSomewhat disagreeDisagree
There are no grocery stores within a 5-mile radius of my home. YesNo
What are the food groups or resources you are most interested in receiving? (Check all that apply) Child NutritionCollege Food InsecurityFood PantryFood Share/SNAP (also known as Food Stamps)Hunger and HealthMeal ProgramsSenior Hunger
After participating in the Community Food Table Program, have your food security needs improved? YesNoNot sure
Has the food received from the Distribution or Pantry helped you and your family to meet your nutritional needs? YesNoNot sure
What are the specific benefits of having the food pantry and/or food distributions available to you and your family?
All information is strictly confidential. Thank you for your time and participation.