Vista del lago Brookland

El empoderamiento es
la clave

.Mejorar la calidad de vida de jóvenes y adultos de todas las edades en las Midlands

25,000 individuals served
by BLEC each year
125 families served per month
woman holding up food in cooking class
Sobre nosotras

Un centro de apoyo comunitario

En el centro de nuestra misión, nos esforzamos por mejorar la calidad de vida de los miembros de la comunidad de todas las edades y orígenes. Brindamos un ambiente seguro y acogedor donde jóvenes, adultos y personas mayores pueden participar en actividades físicas y culturales que promueven la salud y el bienestar. Estamos dedicados a preservar la importancia histórica de nuestro Centro, estableciéndolo como un faro de orgullo cívico y un centro de apoyo comunitario.

+ youth and teens participating in community activities each year
healthy meals served to children and senior citizens per year
in farmers' market vouchers distributed to eligible senior citizens per year
+ senior citizens completed AARP Technology classes per year
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Por qué su apoyo es importante

Invierta en la transformación de la comunidad

​To engage and serve people ​of all ages and backgrounds while promoting advancements in ​health, education, economic empowerment, and improving the lives of residents in Lexington ​and Richland counties and neighboring communities throughout the Midlands of South Carolina.
The Brookland-Lakeview Empowerment Center (BLEC) was established in 2008 when the Brookland Center for Community Economic Change (BCCEC) acquired a former school to establish a community service center.
Our location in West Columbia is in an economic development zone eligible for special economic incentives for businesses and to encourage growth. Plans and programs for the building are being designed to specifically target low-to-moderate-income people for our services.

21st Century COLA

A program offering after-school and summer camp opportunities for youth.

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AARP Digital Skills Ready @50

For adults over 50 to master digital tools and enhance their connectivity in today's world.

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Community Food Table

A fresh, accessible food distribution program to support health and well-being.

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Diabetes Intervention

Offering expert-led guidance on managing diabetes through nutrition, activity, and stress reduction.

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Farmers Market & Local Food Promotion

Empowering community health with local, sustainably-grown foods and agricultural education.

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Helping Families

Comprehensive support services for housing, education, and financial empowerment.

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Mental Health First Aid Training Initiative

Supporting mental wellness and crisis intervention in our community.

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WE CARE 2: Clothing and More Bank

Providing essential clothing and resources to families.

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Nuestras Programas

Llevando luz a cada comunidad

Explore nuestros diversos programas y eventos diseñados para inspirar y elevar a cada miembro de nuestra comunidad.

Become a Volunteer

More than 250 volunteers are actively involved in running our programs and extending our reach in the community each year.

Support with a Donation

The success of our programs and services depend upon outside funding in the form of grants, donations, and major gifts.

Our Impact

News & Update

Iniciativa Proyecto SAFE

Iniciativa Proyecto SAFE Financiado por el Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Carolina del Sur A

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Coalición de Política Alimentaria

Coalición de Política Alimentaria WeCo-Cayce Únete a nuestra misión de combatir la inseguridad alimentaria y

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WE CARE 2: Banco de Ropa y Más

WE CARE 2: Banco de Ropa y Más Nuestro programa WE CARE 2 se dedica

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The BLEC serves as a beacon of hope for so many in the community who too often lack the necessities in life such as food and shelter, and it gives them hope. I volunteer and support the BLEC to give back to a community that gave me so much when I was once in need.

Dr. Rudy Wise

MD and BCCEC Board Member
Through our support of the BLEC we will be able to help the BLEC continue to draw those from the surrounding communities and others who need assistance in education, free health initiatives, the arts, gardening, housing, employment, food, clothing distributions and more.

Rev. Mardell Whyte

BLEC Staff

Impulsa el cambio con tucontribución

Su donación nos ayuda a continuar brindando servicios y programas esenciales que elevan y apoyan a nuestra comunidad

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